Student Exchange Program Experience Session for semester 1121 (Fall 2023)
Date:April 25(THU), 29(MON), 30(TUE)
場次一 Session 1
加泰羅尼亞國際大學 UIC Barcelona
捷克布拉格理工大學 Czech Technical University in Prague MIAS School of Business
日本福井大學 University of Fukui
場次二 Session 2
日本法政大學 HOSEI University
德國奧格斯堡應用技術大學 Technical University of Applied Sciences Augsburg
韓國忠南大學 Chungnam National University
捷克牛頓大學 NEWTON University
場次三 Session 3
德國佛茨海姆大學 Pforzheim University
法國里昂天主教大學 ESDES School of Management, University Catholique de lyon
斯洛維尼亞馬里博爾大學 University of Maribor
In order to ensure optimal listening conditions for all attendees, we kindly request that you remain for the full duration of the lecture as a sign of respect for the speakers. Should there be delays beyond 10 minutes or early departures, please understand that it may impact accreditation hours and related privileges at the organizers’ discretion. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. 為了尊重演講者及更好的聽講環境,請保留完整的聽講時間,遲到10分鐘或提前離席者,主辦單位有權力取消同學們的時數認證及相關權利。非常感謝您的合作。
*請至Portal完成報名 (Please register at Portal.)
*本活動提供餐盒 (Lunch box provided)