Story of Peter Sutiko Alumni from Indonesia-Taichung

For sure focusing on our studies is the main point for us, while staying here in Taiwan.

As the priority, it will be the main cause for me to spend almost every day in the lab doing my research, but I got the chance now to explore more in Taiwan more. I decided to start it from the center of Taiwan to heal up in the mountain. I visited Qingjing Farm to fulfill my desire. I recommend you to go there, too. The view there was amazing, and that's the right place to release your stress. The next day, I moved to Taichung city and visited some places there before heading back to Neili.
If you want to travel and explore, make sure to bring a companion. It will light up your journey.

Exploring the attractive nature in the center of Taiwan, from Peter Sutikno an alumnus in the Department of Mechanical Engineering.