2023 Fall Semester Exchange Students Cultural Exchange Sharing 

2023 Fall Semester Exchange Students Cultural Exchange Sharing 

2023 Fall Semester Exchange Students Cultural Exchange Sharing 

We are pleased to announce an upcoming Student Cultural Exchange Sharing event. During the event, international students have the opportunity to introduce their school and share their hometown culture with current students. 

You are welcome to sign up for the event!


Date: Wednesday, January 3, 2024


Venue: R70105

Click Here to register 

。The event will be held in English.
。Lunchbox is provided.



捷克牛頓大學Newton University, Czech Republic

德國佛茨海姆大學Pforzheim University, Germany

韓國忠南大學Chungnam National University, Republic of Korea

日本國際教養大學Akita International University, Japan

日本大阪女學院大學Osaka Jogakuin University, Japan

日本立命館亞洲太平洋大學Ritsumeikan Asia Pasific University, Japan

印尼三寶瓏州立理工大學Politeknik Negeri Semarang, Indonesia

印尼阿斯特拉理工學院Astra Polytechnic, Indonesia

印尼東覺赤道理工學院Politeknik Tonggak Equator, Indonesia