[Info Forwarded] Empowering Future Leaders for Global Peace at the United Nations – Bangkok, Thailand

Warm greetings from Humanitarian Affairs Asia!

In this era of unprecedented challenges, nurturing and empowering the next generation of leaders becomes increasingly vital. The upcoming 3rd Global Peace Summit in 2024, hosted at the United Nations Conference Centre in Bangkok, stands out as a pivotal platform.

It unites emerging leaders from diverse backgrounds, providing them with the means to collectively drive impactful change toward a more harmonious and inclusive world.

We extend a warm invitation for you to nominate up to 7 students who exemplify a dedicated commitment to peacebuilding. These individuals will be granted the unique opportunity to participate in the 3rd Global Peace Summit, scheduled for January 10 to 12, 2024, at the United Nations Conference Centre in Bangkok, Thailand.

The summit, themed "Empowering Future Leaders for Global Peace," is meticulously crafted to provide participating students with a transformative experience. Through engaging discussions, interactive plenary sessions, and impactful networking opportunities, this summit not only imparts crucial skills and knowledge but also inspires attendees to become influential advocates for peace. Moreover, as a unique and prestigious opportunity, delegates will be conferred the role of Humanitarian Affairs Peace Ambassador for one year, elevating their personal and professional growth to new heights.

Please visit the Global Peace Summit – HUMANITARIAN AFFAIRS <https://www.humanitarianaffairs.asia/GlobalPeaceSummit/Overview/>  for more information about the program, speakers, and registration fee. Or visit UN ReliefWeb for more information. Click 3rd Global Peace Summit 2024 | ReliefWeb. <https://reliefweb.int/training/3989095/3rd-global-peace-summit-2024>  


UN ReliefWeb is a humanitarian information service provided by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). 


Kindly find attached a copy of the Peace Summit Brochure, Program Schedule, and the Delegate Application form for your kind perusal. Should you have any queries or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. To secure places for your students at the Peace Summit, please confirm their attendance by replying to this email before November 15.


In the meantime, I highly encourage you to watch a brief post-event video of the previous summit, which provides a captivating overview of the event and insights into the remarkable youth leaders who participated.  2nd Peace Summit at the UN. 


Together, let's nurture a generation of compassionate, resilient, and globally conscious individuals committed to championing peace and fostering global harmony.

Thank You.

With Gratitude,

Humanitarian Affairs Asia


Janice Leong

Regional Director

Mobile : +66 85 2323 234