[Info Forwarded] International Conference Invitation from Assam Don Bosco University School of Technology

轉知本校姊妹校印度阿薩姆鮑思高大學(Assam Don Bosco University)與正修科技大學、國立金門大學、國立中正大學、輔仁大學、崑山科技大學合作,將於今年10月24-25日舉辦永續能源國際研討會,下方是本次研討會網站,附件為研討會文宣,敬請參考。

ICEESRE- 2024 (https://conferences.dbuniversity.ac.in/iceesre2024/)

The main objective of the conference is to discuss the prospect of renewable and sustainable energy for all and is expected to create a platform to discuss efficient, coherent and coordinated ways of developing new and renewable energy resources of the region and providing their access to all.

The specific objectives are:
To take stock of and discuss the progress achieved in the global renewable energy sector by major regional and international institutions with respect to its scope, potential and achievements.
To share strategic and operational ideas used by various energy actors around the globe for supporting the implementation of the Global energy agenda by the UN.
To share updated knowledge and disseminate it among energy enthusiasts.
To provide a platform to build strategic partnerships among participants and resource persons and particularly with the experts of the renewable, sustainable and modern energy sectors for the development and implementation and disseminating knowledge.
To build capacity in innovative knowledge and attain early understanding explicitly by the students towards a consensus on emerging key issues in the sector.
The peer-reviewed and selected papers will be published in conference proceedings with ISBN.

ICEESRE-2024 is expected to bring together researchers, educators, students, practitioners, technocrats, and policymakers from academia, government, industry, and nongovernmental organizations to discuss, share, and promote current research works and recent research accomplishments across all aspects of energy, electrical, electronic, mechanical, computer science and instrumentation. With an amalgam of events, e.g., keynote addresses by reputed academicians, high-quality plenary sessions, tutorials, workshops, student paper contests, industry exhibitions, high-quality research demonstrations from the best researchers across the globe,  ICEESRE-2024 will offer such a platform for networking & knowledge dissemination.

Full paper submission starts: 15 April 2024
Full paper submission deadline: 31 July 2024
Acceptance notification: by 31 August 2024
Early-bird Registration starts: 1 July 2024
Early-bird Registration Deadline: 15 September 2024
Registration Deadline: 30 September 2024
Conference Dates: 24-25 October 2024

Please refer to the attached document.