- The 2023 Taiwan-New Zealand Higher Education Forum
- TOCFL Scholarship Application Before May 15th
- Vietnamese "Ao Dai" Performance 越南國服體驗七館走秀
- Vietnamese "Ao Dai" Performance 越南國服體驗七館走秀
- Welcome to attend the Student Exchange Program Experience Session for semester 1112 (Spring 2023)
- Welcome to attend the study abroad info session with Aston University, UK
- Welcome to attend the Study abroad info session with University of Cincinnati, US
- Welcome to attend the Study abroad info session with University of Cincinnati, US
- Welcome to attend the study abroad info session with University of Essex, UK
- Welcome to the Info. Session about the study program at Temple University, USA
- Welcome to the Info. Session about the study program at TEXAS HEALTH AND SCIENCE UNIVERSITY, US
- Welcome to the Info. Session about the study program at University of Cincinnati, US
- Xi'an Jiaotong University Summer Camp in Mainland China
- YZU International & Overseas Chinese Students Scholarship Application Schedule for Spring 2025 Semester (113-2 Semester)
- YZU International Christmas GALA
- 元智大學千人出國計畫-2024暑期海外交流已開放申請 歡迎報名參與
- 國際與兩岸交流獎助學金發放標準表修訂公告
- 大陸地區姊妹校中國石油大學暑期營隊
- 大陸地區姊妹校吉林大學冬季營隊
- 大陸地區姊妹校大連理工大學暑期營隊