2022 Australian Electrical Engineering Assisted Smart Agriculture Application Online Workshop

The International Bachelor Program in Electrical and Communication Engineering has received a subsidy to promote global cross-domain funding and to facilitate two-way international online co-teaching with universities overseas.

Professor Lu from the University of Adelaide, one of Australia's eight famous universities, was invited to speak at the "2022 Australian Electrical Engineering Assisted Smart Agriculture Application Online Workshop" from March 16th to April 20th.

During the course on machinery, students learned about the wine industry in Australia, global climate change, and the challenges Australian farmers face. Additionally, there are live questions and answers throughout the online lecture, so students can experience the charm of online teaching at Australian universities!

This lecture was attended by sophomore and junior students of the International Bachelor Program in Electrical and Communication Engineering. Students' English expression ability is improved by training their data-collection skills and listening to English lectures. As Covid-19 infections continue to increase, students can choose whether to report online or in person in the classroom to strike a balance between epidemic prevention and the protection of learning rights.



As part of Prof. Lu's report, students were asked to find ways to automate vineyard operations and winemaking. Several levels of homework guides were provided by Prof. Lu so that students of different levels could try them out.

What the other people have done? (optional, advanced level):

-Literature review (the problems/challenges they addressed, their project aims, methods, results, and achievements)

-Demonstrated that there is still a gap (no one else in the literature has done enough or good enough) for what your project proposes to do?

The students' group reports were fantastic, and they were able to answer Prof. Lu's questions very well (Presentation 8 min + Q&A 2 min). Prof. Lu said that the students have very competent English skills, and he recognizes the education quality of YZU's International Bachelor Program in Electrical and Communication Engineering.