YZU International Food Festival takes place at noon on November 23 (Wed) in front of Building seven.
Each year, students from different countries prepare delicacies from their hometowns. YZU students and teachers have the opportunity to taste foreign food and understand different cultures through the food festival. There were a total of 27 booths this year for the exchange of food cultures from different countries.

Students from Indonesia, India, Pakistan, Vietnam, Overseas Chinese Association, Global Student Association, Thailand, St. Lucia, Japan, the Philippines, etc., participate in this International Food Festival, allowing teachers and students to taste different flavors and experience foreign cultures. This event also includes a charity sale hosted by the Chensenmei Social Welfare Foundation and the Huashan Social Welfare Foundation, aimed at conveying hope and love among different races and cultures.

It has long been a priority of Yuan Ze University to promote global mobility and to have a vision for the future. With the gradual lifting of international restrictions, students can be more open to the world. Aside from establishing academic education, such as bilingual teaching, English bachelor classes, etc., it also aims to promote cultural integration.